TUESDAYS, FEBRUARY 11, 18 & 25 | Tuesday night workshops are swingin’! Join us for some seriously friendly fun with two beginner workshops and one intermediate level in February.
2/11 Swing: Single-time Faster music and major fun
2/18 Swing: Triple-time Exponentially expand your grooves
No experience necessary
2/25 Swing: Improv 101 Play on the fly with breaks and improvisations
Swing fundamentals needed (see workshops above)
6:30-8:30pm, $35 adv / $40 door
Eagles Mother Aerie (8201 Lake City Way NE, Seattle)
Sign up today! To register and save, send payment to Sean Donovan via Venmo @thegatorboy or PayPal @thegatorboy or email Sean to hold your space and pay at the door
GatorBoyProductions.com • email Sean