Join Ron Bolin, The Dancin’ DJ, for a fun night of dancing to a wide variety of music including Hustle, East and West Coast Swing, Waltz, Cha Cha, Country, Nightclub Two-Step, etc., plus a few Christmas tunes in the mix.
Start with an introductory Hustle lesson then learn fun variations prior to the dance. Bring finger food or treats to share if you like. There will be door prizes plus a dance mixer.
7:30-8:00pm Intro Hustle lesson (no partner or experience needed)
8:00-8:30pm Intermediate Hustle lesson (build upon what you learned in the first lesson)
8:30-11:00pm Dance!
Lessons $5 each, dance only $15, one lesson + dance $17, both lessons + dance $20
Juanita Community Club (13027 100th Ave NE, Juanita, near Kirkland) • email Ron • 206-200-1171